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Shop for a selection of unique firearm accessories featuring, forends, grips, stocks, fasteners, holsters and holders, magazines, range gear, optics and more. Our inventory also includes hunting gear, knives and multi-tools, and buttcaps. is your best all in one shop for all things firearm related! We specialize in Thompson Contenders. -
Three Oaks Tactical is the only name that you need to remember when it comes to bulk, specialty and exotic ammo. Browse our online catalog today to find those great deals and for those hard to find calibers and types. -
We offer a wide selection of firearms, including: handguns, shotguns, rifles, ammunition, rifle scopes and optics, as well as collectible Thompson Contenders. -
Top-quality gun shop catering to both seasoned professionals and enthusiasts alike. We have an emphasis on customer service, safety, and extensive product offerings makes our gun shop in Central Texas stand out as the best in this area. Three Oaks Tactical provides not only a great selection of firearms but also a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Our business is… -
Stocks grips and Forends for firearms -
3″ Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Black) with Flat and Lock Washers.
- $12.60
- 3" Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Black) with Flat and Lock Washers for Pachmayr Grip.
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3″ Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Stainless Steel) with Flat and your choice of Lock Washers
- $13.60
- 3" Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Stainless Steel) with Flat and your choice of Lock Washers for Pachmayr Grips (and others)
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380 ACP Ruger LCP
- $330.00
- Presenting the Ruger LCP .380 ACP with Viridian Laser. Therefore, this is the ultimate concealed carry handgun. In deed, weighing in at 9.6oz empty and 12oz with a full magazine, it offers a lighter alternative to most conceal carry weapons.
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5/8″ Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Black Steel) with Flat & Lock Washers.
- $9.60
- 5/8" Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Black) with Flat and your choice of Lock Washers for Pachmayr Brand Rubber Grips
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5/8″ Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Stainless Steel) with Flat & Lock Washers.
- $9.60
- 5/8"(.625") Thompson Contender Pistol Grip Bolt (Stainless Steel) with Flat and your choice of Lock Washers for Pachmayr Brand Rubber Grips
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6.5 Grendel SSK-50 / G2 / Contender 20 inch Barrel
- $525.00
- A 20" Stainless Steel barrel in 6.5 Grendel. This barrel will fit your SSK-50. a G2 or original Contender. Chambered in the 6.5mm Grendel. Comes with integral scope base and threaded muzzle.
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Bore Sighting Service
- $65.00
- Bore sighting is the process of aligning the bore (center of the barrel) of a gun with the optic on your firearm. It’s a relatively a simple process if you have the tools to do this with.
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- Sale!
Burris 3-12×32 Scope Pkg for Thompson Contender
$639.00Original price was: $639.00.$549.00Current price is: $549.00. - Burris long eye relief 3-12x32mm Handgun Scope Package. Everything you need to mount the phenomenal scope onto your Thompson Center Arms Contender. Comes with Scope, 1" Rings, and Weaver 92A Thompson Contender scope base.
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- Sale!
$459.99Original price was: $459.99.$409.00Current price is: $409.00. - CANIK METE MC9 12/15RD 9MM Pistol
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- Sale!
Composite Folding Stock for Thompson Center Arms Contender
$155.00Original price was: $155.00.$152.00Current price is: $152.00. - Generation 1 Thompson Composite Contender folding stock. Made with a durable steel cast housing and hinge, this stock is built to withstand rigorous use.
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- Sale!
Composite Folding Stock for Thompson Center Arms Encore
$155.00Original price was: $155.00.$152.00Current price is: $152.00. - Folding Stock for Thompson Center Arms Encore. Makes your Encore Rifle very compact for transport and for storage.
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- Sale!
Composite Folding Stock for Thompson Contender
$160.00Original price was: $160.00.$155.00Current price is: $155.00. - Folding Stock for Thompson Center Arms Contender. Made of composite material with stainless steel hardware. Make your Thompson Center Arms Contender portable and convenient with this stock.
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